Paragon leverages industry standard analysis software tools packages Thermal Desktop and ANSYS Fluent to simulate complex 1, 2, and 3D thermal/fluid problems. Paragon is experienced in a diverse range of active and passive thermal analyses including:
- Parallel flow fluid routing and pressure balancing
- High turndown radiator stagnation and recovery
- Multiphase heat transfer and phase separation
- Aerothermal and plume impingement
- Orbital alignments
- Multispecies flow
- Rarified gas flows
- Ablation and spallation effects
- Aircraft and spacecraft level active control systems
- Vehicle passive energy balance
- Variable conductance heat pipes
- Radiative insulation systems
- Energy storage systems
Integrated Systems Modeling
Mass and energy transport through simple or complex systems is modeled using proprietary software tools developed and applied by Paragon to a wide range of life support applications. The emphasis is on development of useful models that inform the design of systems we develop for our customers.
Computational Fluid Dynamics
Paragon’s CFD specialists tackle a wide range of flow problems as encountered in human spaceflight. Examples include air flow and mixing in crew cabin ventilation, flow through air revitalization systems, flows with multiphases, multispecies, chemical reactions, and phase changes, flow in turbomachinery, subsonic, transonic, supersonic, and hypersonic aerodynamics, aerothermodynamics, fluid-structure interactions, etc.
Human Thermal Modeling
Paragon’s 3-D human thermal analysis tool integrates our human thermoregulatory system model into the Thermal Desktop analysis platform to provide the capability to model crew member, suit geometry, life support hardware/geometry, vehicles or environment into one complete system model.
Suit environment design/survivability studies. Lunar Cold environment suit and crew-member temperatures. (Figure 1.) Portable Life Support System (PLSS) component temperatures with integrated liquid cooling system during high met-rate work phase in Lunar Hot environment (Figure 2.)
Software includes Thermal Desktop, TUFaDHS, Wissler, Fortran, and Python.
Thermal Control Analysis
Paragon leverages industry standard analysis software tools packages Thermal Desktop™, and ANSYS Fluent to simulate complex 1, 2,and 3D thermal/fluid problems. Paragon is experienced in a diverse range of active & passive thermal analyses including:
- Parallel flow fluid routing and pressure balancing
- High turndown radiator stagnation and recovery
- Multiphase heat transfer an phase separation
- Aerothermal and plume impingement
- Orbital environments
- Multispecies flow
- Rarified gas flows
- Ablation and spallation effects
- Aircraft and spacecraft level active control systems
- Vehicle passive energy balance
- Variable conductance heat pipes
- Radiative insulation systems
- Energy storage system
Structural Analysis
- Modal analysis
- Stress linear and nonlinear
- Loads combination
- Buckling
- Fatigue